“How long will Shergold be one of the unknown pleasures of electric guitar if it carries on making guitars as good as this?”: Shergold Masquerader Standard SM11 review

What is it?

Enthusiasts of British electric guitar history will tell you that the Shergold brand has a bit of pedigree, a history that extends back to the late ‘60s, and a roll call of players including Bernard Sumner, then of Joy Division, and Mike Rutherford of Genesis, both of whom have played Masqueraders at one time or another.

But the Masquerader Standard SM11 here is a different type of Masquerader, from a very different Shergold. Indeed, you might well be forgiven for thinking of Shergold as a 21st-century brand, with 2015 its Year Zero after being acquired by Barnes & Mullin.

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Written by Lemon2021

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