“The way we think about guitar and what the instrument is supposed to do has changed”: Justin Hawkins explains why technically complex bands like Sleep Token and Polyphia are generating mass appeal

Aside from his work with The Darkness, Justin Hawkins has built a steady reputation as a musicologist via his chosen pulpit of YouTube. As an avid commentator on all things music – and, by extension, all things guitar – Hawkins has had his eye on the rise of more technical players and bands over the past few years – and is now offering his two cents on why some of them have even managed to break into the mainstream discourse.

“It shows something interesting,” Hawkins tells Guitar World. “Part of it is down to the post-Covid world. People have spent more time with a guitar in their hands, trying to figure out how to play music because of the world stopping for a few years.”

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Written by Lemon2021

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