It’s a soloing strategy that T-Bone Walker, B.B. King and Albert King all used, and will instantly make your blues solos sound more pro – learn parallel pentatonics and you will set your playing free

Jim Oblon: Combining major and minor pentatonics with chromatics – YouTube
Jim Oblon: Combining major and minor pentatonics with chromatics - YouTube

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In my last column, I presented a shuffle rhythm pattern for a standard 12-bar blues in the key of G, with some inversions of dominant 7th chords that had the 3rd, 5th or 7th in the bass instead of the root, which create a harmonically rich sound.

This time, I’d like to demonstrate a soloing approach over this rhythm part, using both major and minor pentatonic scales, as well as some chromatic notes.

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Written by Lemon2021

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