“The massive guitar sound that sparked an entire generation has been completely and faithfully captured in stunning detail”: Nirvana tone guru Aaron Rash releases The Nevermind Sessions IR bundle, and promises a sound “identical” to Kurt Cobain’s

He has built a replica of Kurt Cobain’s aluminium Veleno guitar. He has compiled a forensically accurate suite of IRs capturing the late Nirvana frontman’s In Utero tone. Now Aaron Rash has unveiled his latest project, The Nevermind Sessions, an IR pack that sounds “identical” to the era-defining electric guitar tones of the Seattle grunge trailblazer’s seminal 1991 album.

Rash is YouTube’s most-authoritative voice on Nirvana guitar tone. In his words, he “started going down the rabbit hole” and what a journey that turned out to be. Along the way he befriended the late Steve Albini, the legendary producer responsible for putting In Utero down on tape.

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Written by Lemon2021

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