“It’s becoming harder and harder to see why one guitar made of two lumps of wood bolted together with some basic electrics and hardware can cost $5,000, while one like this is a 10th of that price”: Shergold Masquerader SM11 Standard review

What is it?

Shergold’s history is complex and checkered, but knowing the gist of it will help contextualize the brand. Ex-Burns employees Jack Golder and Norman Holder started out building necks and bodies for the likes of Hayman, Burns London, Ned Callan, and Rosetti before striking out with their own range.

Initially, they used up leftover Hayman parts; if you remember Hayman, you’ll recognize the similarities. The company’s fortunes waxed and waned with the prevailing music trends, leading to closure in 1992 after Golder died.

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Written by Lemon2021

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