“The tone these amps produce is classic Orange”: Orange Baby 100 Series review

What is it?

As one of the UK’s leading amplifier brands, the often rather eccentric Orange company has made an historic name for itself with its attention grabbing aesthetics and tonal stylings.

The original Orange heads were oversized behemoths along with matching 4x12s and in combination were renowned for walloping bottom-end and almost fuzz-like saturation.

However, the days of concert stages draped in backline are some way behind us. Indeed, the climate for travelling musicians has never been more inclement due a storm of transportation costs and border bureaucracy making the notion of touring internationally with a full Orange stack an unlikely proposition for many.

Orange Baby Series

(Image credit: Martin Smith/Future)

A simple solution is offered here in the form of three powerful, portable, ‘throw-and-go’, solid-state stage amplifiers, collectively named the Baby 100 Series: Gain Baby, Tour Baby and Dual Baby.

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Written by Lemon2021

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