Ani DiFranco guitar lesson | GuitarPlayer

Ani DiFranco may not have tried every guitar tuning, but listening to her unique brand of dynamic and percussive folk/punk/rock songs, it can certainly seem that way. What is clear, however, is that she is a genuine trailblazer. DiFranco fearlessly navigated uncharted waters, carving out a successful career as an acoustic guitar playing singer-songwriter without any support from the music industry establishment. This was unheard of in the “before times,” prior to the cultural explosion that is the internet.

Entirely self-made, she is one of the first truly independent or “indie” artists, establishing her very own record label, Righteous Babe Records, in 1990, at only 19 years of age. Since then, she has released 20 studio albums on Righteous Babe, as well as those of over 30 other recording artists who are or have been on the label’s roster. Her most recent release is 2021’s Revolutionary Lovewhich features a string quartet, among a host of other instruments.

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Written by Lemon2021

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