Ace Frehley copied a Robby Krieger Doors solo for a Kiss song

Rock music is full of licks, riffs and songs that writers and musicians borrowed or stole outright from others. The Beach Boys’ “Surfin’ USA” is a copy of Chuck Berry’s “Sweet Little Sixteen,” George Harrison’s “My Sweet Lord” closely follows the chord pattern from the Chiffons’ “He’s So Fine,” and Neil Young admitted to taking the melody from the Rolling Stones’ ”Lady Jane” for his own appropriately titled “Borrowed Tune.”

You can add Ace Frehley to that list. According to Gene Simmons, Ace was so enamored of a Robbie Krieger electric guitar solo that he lifted in virtually note for note for “She,” a track from the 1975 Kiss album, Dressed to Kill. The Krieger solo comes from the Doors’ “Five to One,” from their 1968 album, Waiting for the Sun.

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Written by Lemon2021

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