The story behind Bachman-Turner Overdrive’s “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet”

It was intended as nothing more than a bit of fun between Randy Bachman and his brothers. Instead, “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet” became something much bigger. The 1974 single from Bachman-Turner Overdrive’s Not Fragile album didn’t just become a hit single — it also served as something of an unintentional public service message for the Stuttering Foundation of America.

By the time BTO settled in to work on Not Fragile in mid 1974, the group had two albums under its belt and a pair of hits with “Let It Ride” and “Takin’ Care of Business.” The band had been formed by the former Guess Who guitarist and his brothers — guitarist Tim and drummer Robbie — with bassist C.F. Turner in 1973. By 1974, Tim had left, replaced by Blair Thornton. Given that both of BTO’s earlier hits had come from their previous album, their label, Mercury Records, had high expectations for Not Fragile.

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Written by Lemon2021

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