Todd Rundgren: The Story Behind “Couldn’t I Just Tell You”

With the third song on the third side of his landmark third solo album, 1972’s Something/Anything?Todd Rundgren planted a tentpole for power pop.

Sure, 333 isn’t as dramatic as 666, but the song in question, “Couldn’t I Just Tell You,” was nothing less than a rock and roll classic. The double-LP’s second single (it peaked at number 93 on the Billboard Hot 100), the track was performed entirely by Rundgren, as were all the cuts on the record’s first three sides. The song kicks off with a false start of drums and studio chatter before a chiming, Byrds-like guitar figure is joined by a bass and builds into an urgent, energetic and highly compressed gallop, filled with actual bridges, double-tracked lead vocals, buoyant choruses, a stinging guitar solo and a guitar break after the third verse.

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Written by Lemon2021

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